See our current offer for industry's best deals!

Diamonds are like people

Both are very individual, strong in their core, but with subtle differences that make them stand out from the crowd.

Why choose us?

Even though our prices are "extremely competitive", we believe that our success lies in the fact that our clients approach us as "friends looking for an advice"...

We believe that diamonds are like people. Both are very individual, strong in their core, but with subtle differences that make them stand out from the crowd. We also believe that there is a perfect match for a person and the diamond. We are here to help find a perfect match for you. After all, the roughly 2 billion years' journey of a diamond from the earth's core to the client's hands deserves a happy ending. 

Our background is in the diamond and jewelry sales to private clients. In our private diamond business we believe in the old fashioned word-of-mouth recommendation, through which we were able to attract a significant base of clients. Our main clients are price-conscious clients, which also shop for other high street diamond and jewelry brands, but who have already learned their lesson that there is a smarter way of buying diamonds.


Interesting facts about Four Leaf Diamonds

25 thousand

diamonds spun in 360° on our site each day

50 thousand

carats in diamonds on offer on our website

150 thousand

happy customers (and still growing)

25 min.

a day a customer spend drooling over diamonds

If you don't believe it look at

Our 3 important lessons

Our experience with private clients tought us a few important lessons, which we transfer to our online diamond platform.

Detailed diamond description

A well informed client is a happy client. Listen to what client needs and have patience to discuss any questions.

Wide selection of diamonds

Give the client a lot of options to choose from. Don't force him into your way of thinking in order to make a quick sale.

Competitive pricing

Diamonds are not only an object of admiration. They can also serve as an investment opportunity. Give client a reasonable price to allow him to make profit on future sale of his diamond.

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